Saturday, October 16, 2010

21st Century Communications

Communications in the 21st Century is vastly different from communications just 20 or 30 years ago. The advent of computer technology has added many different forms of communications. Twenty years ago, the Internet was just launching and email was in its infancy. Ten years later, email was the first choice of communications medium and today, it is taking a back seat to texting, blogging, and many new and emerging media.

Just yesterday, I was talking to a colleague at work about how vastly different our work habits are today than when we joined the ranks of working professionals many years ago. We remember when all our work was done on paper:  we used large spreadsheets to develop work plans; we calculated inventory levels with the aid of an adding machine; we even had to sit in one spot to talk on the telephone. Today, our productivity is considerably greater because of computer technologies. We can work in virtual teams and use technology to communicate and produce with team members spread all over the continent or even the globe.

What will tomorrow bring as the fields of communications and  technology continue to emerge? We live in a fascinating time, and it will be enlightening and a lot of fun to see how far we go in the field. 

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